SCHOOL KITS - God’s Work. Our Hands.

One of the projects for “God's Work. Our Hands” on Sunday, September 11, is the completion of 100 school kits.  Please consider taking advantage of the back-to-school sales and purchasing some of the items needed for the kits. Donation boxes are on the stage in the Fellowship Hall.  Thank you for your donations for these much-needed school kits which are sent throughout the world where they are most needed.

·         70 sheet spiral notebooks
·         30- centimeter rulers or rulers with both inches and centimeters
·         pencil sharpeners
·         blunt tipped scissors
·         Unsharpened #2 pencils
·         black or blue ballpoint pens (no gel pens)
·         boxes of 16 or 24 count crayons
·         erasers - 2 1/2 inch

Note:  We especially need the 70 sheet spiral notebooks. They are 35 cents at Staples and Walmart.