GOD’S WORK. OUR HANDS. will be Sunday, September 11, 2022. The following projects have been chosen:
· Assemble 100 school kits for Lutheran World Relief. LWR sends these kits throughout
the world where most needed to help children continue their education.
· Do clean up and maintenance at the Spring Grove cemetery and some painting will be done also.
· Recognize/Honor the members/volunteers of the Spring Grove Fire Company with
$10 gift cards from local businesses along with thank you notes. If you would like to
donate a $10 gift card from one of the local businesses listed below, please donate it by
September 8. You may drop off gift cards in the church office. Local businesses: Genova’s,
Jim & Nena’s, Subway, Papertown Dairy Bar, Ray’s, Rutters, Kennie’s, and Brother’s Pizza.
· Bag diapers and feminine hygiene products for Little Food Pantry.
Please mark your calendars for this day of service doing God’s work for our community and beyond. We will begin work following the 9:00 am church service. We look forward to working together to share God’s love.