Children, Youth & Family Ministries
VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL - VBS 2025 will be held June 9-13th, 2025 with a theme of True North! Mark your calendars and plan to attend or volunteer! During this time, students learn about God's love through music, games, snacks, crafts, stories, and skits.
For Vacation Bible School, we will be looking for many volunteers to be counselors, help decorate, make snacks, and to lead other activities. If interested, please email Amy Thompson.
VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL 2025: June 9-13, 9:30-11:45 am.
Vacation Bible School 2024
LUTHERAN Camping Events
For information on Winter and Summer Camping Events at Kirchenwald, located in Lebanon, PA, Nawakwa, located in Adams County, and the Wittell Farm, click the link below.
CYF Committee
The CYF Committee meets on the second Monday of the month at 6:00 p.m. (All Committee Night) to plan events, activities and fundraisers for the children, youth and young families of our congregation. If you are interested in becoming involved with CYF, please contact Amy Thompson.
To catch up with CYF @ St. Paul, use the links below!
Our goal is to host family events throughout the year, allowing young families to spend time together in a relaxed and informal setting. Our events vary, to York Revolution game nights, movie nights, community block parties, family hikes at local parks, a picnic at Pinchot Park, and a trip to Hersheypark Candylane. Check out our upcoming events and join us at our next Family Event!
Elementary & Youth
Elementary programming is geared towards
K-4th grade. Our elementary children enjoy movie nights, Pizza & Game nights, and participating in a Halloween Parade and Easter Egg Hunt, trips to Smyser’s Farm, the Turkey Hill Experience, Perry Dell, Keystone Kidspace, Magic Elm Skateland, and Colony Park Bowling Lanes.
Youth programing is geared towards grades 5 through 12. Our youth enjoy volunteering in the community with Hanover Against Hunger and church activities like Cookie Baking for our homebound members. Youth events have included Nacho Night, Pizza & Game Nights, bowling, and a trip to Urban Air Adventure Park!