christian education


sunday school

All Children and Adult Sunday Classes meet every Sunday from 10:30-11:30 a.m. Classes do not meet in June, July and August.

Preschool: Children birth through pre-K
are invited to join this class. (Parents are encouraged to join children ages birth through age 2.) Children will participate in Bible Stories, songs and friendly play. Meets every Sunday in the Pineapple Room on the 3rd floor.

Grades K-5: SPARKHOUSE Lectionary Curriculum - Bible story themes, crafts, activities, games, and puzzles that reinforce each week’s lesson. Meets every Sunday in the Kiwi Room on the 3rd floor.

Grades 6-12: SPARKHOUSE Talk Sheets - Discussion-based Bible lessons, games, and fellowship. Meets in every Sunday in the Coconut Room on the 3rd floor.

Young Adult/Young Family Forum: Taught by Pastor Alison - Meets every Sunday from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. in the 2nd floor conference room/Plum Room.

Adult Forum Class: Current Events - Taught by Lynn Hershey - Current events and faith.
Meets every Sunday in Lemon Lounge on the 1st floor Lemon Lounge.


Confirmation ministry marks the completion of the parent’s promise to raise and educate their children in the Christian faith and the beginning of the young person’s acceptance of responsibility for their own growth in faith. Our program is a two-year program for youth in grades 7-8. 
It consists of the following elements: Faith Formation classes, participation in worship, service projects . Catechetical students are confirmed by Affirmation of Baptism (Lutheran Book of Worship, p. 198).



Our weekly Augsburg Bible Study group is held on Tuesdays at 9:00 a.m. in the Parlor and is based on the gospel for the coming Sunday.

Our Bible Study Group does not meet during June, July and August and resumes in September.