CYF March News


Katy King (Chair), Heather Hamme (Council Liaison), Sandy Hoover, Michael Kurland, Suzanne Roth-Hoffman, Melissa Ural, Sarah Zavatsky, Pastor James Demmel.

We meet the first Tuesday of each month at 6:00 pm in the conference room at St. Paul’s. You are welcome to join us!


Pre-school and K-4 will be continuing along in the Spark: Activate Faith curriculum. We switch to “Year Orange” which more closely follows the lectionary on 15 March.

Youth will be continuing in with Manna and Mercy. Upcoming Events- Mark your Calendars!


It is the CYF Task Force’s goal to host one family event and one youth event every month! Here is what we have planned so far!

Family Events

  1. March 15​- 12:30-2:30pm (right after worship)- Meet and Get-to-Know event for Pastor James at Adrenaline Trampoline Park in York. This event is for children and youth! Pizza and dessert will be provided. We ask that you bring snacks to share with the group.

  2.  April24,6:00-8:00pm-IcecreamsocialatSt.Paul’s.Wewillprovidetheicecream- please bring your favorite toppings!

  3. May 16​, 1:00-4:00- Cook Out at Codorus St. Park.


  1. March 15​- 12:30-2:30pm (right after worship)- Meet and Get-to-Know event for Pastor James at Adrenaline Trampoline Park in York

  2. April 24-25​- 7:00pm-7:00am Spring Lock-In at St. Paul’s- Youth will help paint the CYF space on the third floor (stay tuned for more news about this). Bring a friend!

  3. May 29​- As soon as school get’s out-6:00pm- End of School Block Party! Look for more information about this exciting event next month.


Calling all Confirmands! Our 8th graders will be confirmed on the D​ ay of Pentecost, May 31​ during our worship. Leading up to this, Pastor James will be holding confirmation classes on the following Sundays:​ 3/22, 4/19, 4/26, 5/3, 5/17.​ These classes will go 1-1.5 hours past the Sunday School hour. Please plan to pick up your confirmands at 12:45. Snacks will be provided to hold them over till lunch!


  1. Summer Camp: Camp Luther- June 21-27 Camp Luther is hosted every year by the WV-WMD Synod of the ELCA. The great benefit of this camp is that it allows our youth to remain together as a group, rather than be split up. The camp is held at Camp Caesar, a 4H camp, in Cowen, WV. Amenities include a pool, craft cabin, sports fields, river access, and beautiful mountain scenery (and no electronics!). The camp is staffed by college students and pastors (Pastor James will be a leader/counselor in the Senior Youth program). Children can begin to attend Camp Luther the summer after completing third grade to the summer after graduating high school. ​The early bird registration cost for Camp Luther is $220.​ St. Paul’s will cover a van rental for transportation to the camp! F​ inancial assistance is available to cover the cost of camp. Please contact Pr. James by M​ ay 30​ should you decide to attend camp! Please see the Camp Luther website for more info: ​

  2. High School Beach Retreat-​ July 24-26 Our high school youth (those who have graduated 8th grade and above) will be going on a retreat to Wildwood, NJ. Our youth have long dreamed of a beach retreat and we are happy to be able to provide one this year! We will be staying two nights at The Luther Inn, 2 blocks from the ocean and a short walk to Wildwood Boardwalk and Mrey’s Piers. Pastor James has reserved rooms for up to 20 youth (and chaperones). Cost to attend is $150 by Sunday, June 28, 2020.​ ​Financial assistance is available to help cover the cost of the retreat. CheckouttheLutherInn’swebsitehere:h​ ttps:// 

  3. Weekly Youth Group Hangouts/Summer Book Study Pastor James will be hosting weekly youth group get-togethers this summer. He is currently planning a summer book study with the youth and other activities! More information to come in next month’s newsletter!


The information that everyone has been waiting for! St. Paul’s will hold Vacation Bible School​ July 13-17 from 8:00-11:30am.​ Our theme will be ​From Generation to Generation​, which is the same curriculum the youth will use at Camp Luther (they will be prepped to help volunteer!).

We will be looking for many volunteers to be counselors, to help decorate, make snacks, and to lead other activities. If you are interested, please email Pastor James (!


Believe it or not, the 2021 National Youth Gathering is rapidly approaching. Early Registration begins 9/21/2020! The Gathering will be in Minneapolis, July 20-31 2021.

We will hold a coffee hour meeting on Sunday, 3/15 to discuss fundraising plans and cost. Please mark your calendars for that date to hear more information. We are asking for commitments to attend the NYG with St. Paul’s Youth by ​May 17, 2020.


In an effort to reach out to our community and to help facilitate communication, we will be creating several new outlets for news and content.

Instagram​: @spsg.cyf

CYF Facebook Group​- coming soon

Monthly E-News Updates​- First Wednesday of every month!