Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update

March 14, 2020

Dear Church Family,

This past week has been challenging to say the least. There have been national, state, and local state of emergencies declared as we face a growing number of diagnosed cases and deaths due to the Coronavirus/COVID-19 both around the nation and here in Pennsylvania. Yesterday Governor Wolf declared that all schools be closed in Pennsylvania until Monday March 30th. Included in that announcement was a recommendation to cancel or postpone any community events. Our own Bishop, Jim Dunlop of the Lower Susquehanna Synod, has recommended that all gatherings, meetings, and worship be canceled until 29th. This morning, March 14th, your council met to decide what actions were best for our church family.

It is with a heavy heart that I share with you our joint decision: St. Paul will not hold worship services, Sunday school, or meetings through March 29th. Our building will be closed to all outside organizations with the exception of AA; the staff, for the most part, will work remotely.

Your leadership has decided to take the following steps to ensure that we as a faith community can continue to maintain connection with each other in this time of social distancing: We will pre-record a service of the word for you to view on Sunday mornings; this will be available through YouTube (and a link will be sent via email). It will also be posted on our church website and on our church Facebook. We will also hold Bible Study on Wednesday at 10:00am via Zoom. Again, the link will be sent out via email and posted on Facebook. Finally, there will be a weekly devotion sent out via snail mail for those who do not have or do not use internet.

This season of Lent is and will be much different than any church season in the past, but we will get through this together. Please continue to take care of each other. Call. Send cards. Email. Text. For whether we are in the church or in our homes, we are the body of Christ and we are stronger together.

If you have any concerns or pastoral care needs please contact Pastor James or myself. And remember: Lent is a season of reflection. In the midst of the chaos let us take a moment to breathe, sit, and remember that God is with you.

God’s Peace, Pastor Alison

Pastor Alison: 717-381-1393

Pastor James: 919-801-8662

Diana Kemp: 443-421-3738

Sue Williams: 717-225-6480