March Church Council Highlights

*Security Task Force: led by Ray Zavatsky, in progress studying options for securing building

*Approved special Lenten sacrificial offering to go to general account

*Discussed annual special appeal for funds to cover ongoing maintenance projects and educational ministry

*Authorized fund up to $1,500 to have a professional write and search for grant to cover cost of repair to Rose Window, current estimate is $108,000

*Moving of Administrative Offices to the first floor is complete. Plans being studied for better use of 2nd and 3rd floor space*Stewardship to sponsor “Family Fun Night” on March 15th, with food, fellowship and Bluegrass music

*New organist/Director of Music hired; Ian Hoke will start on March 4th for Wednesday evening Lenten services and March 22nd for Sunday services. Jamie Links’ final service is March 1st

*Appointed Jacob Greco as representative from Council to Boy Scout Troops; will submit report regularly for better communication

*Council will participate in Leadership Retreat at St. Paul on March 14th

*Council will offer a “Congregation Chat” during March 1st Sunday School hour to provide an opportunity for questions and discussions.