
In-Person Worship Resumes!

My Dearest Church Family, 

It is with great joy that I write to you on this snowy morning. During the past month since our suspension of in-person worship, the church council and I have been closely monitoring the Covid case count and positivity rate for York county. Finally, we are pleased to inform you we feel numbers have dropped to a low enough threshold that we can resume in person worship on February 7, 2021 with protocols in place. Not only will this be a great day for us to resume in-person worship, but we will also be celebrating with the Straley/Gladfelter family the baptism of their newest edition, Hudson!

In order to make worship possible we will need volunteers to assist with helping us handing out bulletins and communion cups, as well as recording people who are in attendance. If you are able and interested in helping, please contact Scott Hoover, our new parish administrator, Sandra or either Pastor Alison or Pastor James.

Also, just a reminder that the protocols put in place by our Covid-Task force and approved by council will still be in effect. Masks will be required for the duration of the service. We ask that if you are able, please enter the building via the Main street entrance. The handicap entrance will be available for those with difficulties navigating the steps. The pews will be marked, and we will seat every other pew to help with social distancing. We are also asking that you, at home, pre-screen by answering the following questions:  

  1. In the past 2 weeks have you have a fever, cough, respiratory issues, or any other symptom related to Covid?

  2. Have you tested positive for covid?

  3. Has anyone living with you tested positive for Covid?

  4. Are you currently caring for anyone who has tested positive for covid?

  5. Have you or anyone in your house quarantined voluntarily or by requirement in the last 2 weeks?

If the answer to any of these questions is yes, or if you are not feeling well, we ask that you please stay home. 

In order for us to be able worship in person, we need your help to follow our Covid protocols. Thank you in advance for your help and cooperation.

Lastly, we realize that some of you will still not feel comfortable attending in person worship. We will continue all of our virtual options, including a livestream of worship. We will also continue our drive thru communion for those who use that option. Please know we are trying to meet everyone’s needs to the best of our ability.

Brothers and sisters, I pray for you daily. I miss your faces and your hugs. I miss our time together and look forward to the day when we will all gather in our sanctuary and share in communion and fellowship. Until that day, know that I am here for you. If you need anything at all do not hesitate to reach out to Pastor James or me.

Christ’s Love and Peace, 

Pastor Alison