For generations Christians have been gathering around the table to study Scripture, share in prayer, and enjoy one another’s company. St. Paul has continued this tradition with Dinner Church! What is Dinner Church you may ask? Dinner Church is a time of informal worship in our Fellowship Hall that includes get to know questions to share with your table, a time of scripture study, communion, prayer, song, and a potluck meal. What’s new this year? During our time of scripture study Pastor James will be taking our children and youth to “power hour” where he will teach them an age-appropriate lessons that coincide with what the adults will be doing!
Beginning on September 2nd, and every first Thursday of the month following, we will gather in our fellowship hall at 6:00pm for Dinner Church. We simply ask that you bring a side, salad, main dish, or dessert to share. We are so excited to restart this ministry and can’t wait to share in a meal with YOU! Come, bring a friend and see what God is doing through this ministry.